Dream Inspire Unite Achieve

Who is Vocalescence?

Vocalescence Promo Video

We are a female ensemble, specialising in both the contemporary and the Barbershop style of 4 part harmony singing. We are proud to be associated with the world's largest singing organisation for women - SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL. If you are a woman living in or near Queensland's Gold Coast who loves to sing and is looking for a quality group, or if you are an event organiser needing quality entertainment, you have come to the right place!  Check out our promotional clip.  https://youtu.be/LBsAvzLhSIo




Love singing? Interested in coming along to our next open night?
Mark it in your diary now!

When? Wednesday 2 October 2024

Where? Upper Coomera Centre, 90 Reserve Road,
Upper Coomera, 4209

What time? 6:30pm - 9:30pm


Ticket sales are now officially open! Come along to one of our shows and choose your own adventure in...
A Wonderful World of Whimsy...
Spoil your senses while Vocalescence's songs whisk you away...
With special guests 
The Pacific Belles and 
Luminous Quartet!

August 17th at 2pm and 7.30pm at the Nerang Bicentennial Centre.
Click the booking link: https://www.trybooking.com/CTAAS
Or scan the QR code for tickets!

With much adventurous anticipation and musical love, Vocalescence 🎼🩵


Our True Blue this month was awarded by Marijne to Kat 💕 Marijne gave this recognition to Kat saying:
“Kat has been a long-time member of Vocalescence and is a dedicated Baritone. As life threw some incredibly difficult challenges her way, chorus members supported her to let her know she was not alone. As soon as things thankfully improved, Kat joined us again! It was amazing to see her joy in singing and drive to quickly get back up to speed immediately. We are so glad she is back and look forward to sharing many more good times ahead!”
#vocalescence #ladieswhosing #dreaminspireuniteachieve
#trueblue #welldeserved #oneofakind #chorus #inspiration ❤️ ❤️

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